3. Deploying Virtuozzo Storage

You can deploy Virtuozzo Storage with management either via command line tools (i.e. CLI) or web management panel (i.e. GUI, recommended). This section lists steps to deploy the recommended setup from scratch.


If you are sure you need to deploy Virtuozzo Storage with CLI management instead, see Installing with CLI Management.

  1. Plan your Virtuozzo Storage infrastructure (hardware, networks, redundancy mode) as described in Planning Infrastructure for Virtuozzo Storage with GUI Management.

  2. Set up the first Virtuozzo Storage node.

    On it, a container will be created with the Virtuozzo Storage management panel through which you will manage your Virtuozzo Storage clusters. It will also be configured as a storage node that will automatically be registered in Virtuozzo Storage. Finally, Virtuozzo Automator Management Node will be installed on this server. With it, you will easily select Virtuozzo Storage as location for your virtual environments. The Virtuozzo Automator Management Node will be installed in another container. The node will be registered in Virtuozzo Automator automatically.


    If you already have Virtuozzo Automator set up, you can use it instead. To easily switch to the Virtuozzo Storage management panel, you can install Virtuozzo Storage management plugin for your Virtuozzo Automator as described in Logging In to Virtuozzo Storage Management Panel.

    To set up the first node, follow these steps:

    1. Boot the node from the Virtuozzo Hybrid Server distribution and choose Install with GUI management on the installer’s welcome screen.

    2. Set up date, time, and keyboard layout, accept EULA, and choose a disk to install Virtuozzo Hybrid Server on. For more details on the latter, see Choosing the Installation Destination.

    3. Open the VIRTUOZZO STORAGE screen. On it, choose the role Management Panel and Storage and specify the IP address and hostname for your Virtuozzo Storage management panel container. For details, see Installing Management Panel and Storage on the First Server.

    4. Open the VIRTUOZZO AUTOMATOR screen. On it, choose the role Management Panel and Compute and specify the IP address and hostname for your Virtuozzo Automator Management Node container. For details, see Installing Management Panel and Compute on the First Server.

    5. Complete installation by setting license and root password. For details, see Finishing the Installation.

  3. Set up the second and other Virtuozzo Storage nodes.

    Each of these similar storage nodes will be automatically registered in Virtuozzo Storage. In addition, they will be automatically registered in Virtuozzo Automator.

    Follow these steps:

    1. Boot the node from the Virtuozzo Hybrid Server distribution and choose Install with GUI management on the installer’s welcome screen.

    2. Set up date, time, and keyboard layout, accept EULA, and choose a disk to install Virtuozzo Hybrid Server on. For more details on the latter, see Choosing the Installation Destination.

    3. Open the VIRTUOZZO STORAGE screen. On it, choose the role Storage and specify the IP address or hostname of your Virtuozzo Storage management panel container as well as token. For details, see Installing Storage on the Second and Other Servers.

    4. Open the VIRTUOZZO AUTOMATOR screen. On it, choose the role Compute and specify the IP address or hostname of your Virtuozzo Automator Management Node container as well as password. For details, see Installing Compute on the Second and Other Servers.

    5. Complete installation by setting license and root password. For details, see Finishing the Installation

  4. Log in to the Virtuozzo Storage management panel at the IP address (or hostname) specified during installation and default port 8888 and set up storage networks as described in Configuring Node Network Interfaces.

  5. From the Virtuozzo Storage management panel, create a Virtuozzo Storage cluster as described in Creating the Storage Cluster.

  6. From the Virtuozzo Storage management panel, create datastores to store your virtual machines, containers and their backups in a Virtuozzo Storage cluster as described in Managing Datastores.

  7. In Virtuozzo Automator, click New… > Virtual Environment on the toolbar and start creating virtual machines and containers. For more details, see Starting to Create Virtual Environments. If you have chosen not to use Virtuozzo Automator, you can create VMs and containers from CLI (see Creating Virtual Machines and Containers.