3.7. Shutting Down and Starting Up Cluster Nodes

To shut down a Storage cluster completely, do the following:

  1. Stop and disable the following services: shaman, pdrs, vstorage-iscsi, and va-agent (in case Virtuozzo Automator is installed):

    # systemctl stop shaman pdrs vstorage-iscsid va-agent
    # systemctl disable shaman pdrs vstorage-iscsid va-agent
  2. Check what containers and virtual machines are running in the cluster with the prlctl list command and shut them down using prlctl stop. For example:

    #  prlctl list
    UUID                                    STATUS       IP_ADDR         T  NAME
    {8330ff27-5e84-4d13-a69c-63f3f8a3c516}  running      -               VM MyVM
    # prlctl stop MyVM
    Stopping the VM...
    The VM has been successfully stopped.
  3. Stop and disable the prl-disp and vz services:

    # systemctl stop prl-disp vz
    # systemctl disable prl-disp vz
  4. If you use Storage GUI, also stop and disable the vstorage-ui-agent service:

    # systemctl stop vstorage-ui-agent
    # systemctl disable vstorage-ui-agent
  5. Stop all clients in the cluster. To do this, on each client:

    1. Make sure no storage files are opened using the lsof utility. For example, for the stor1 cluster, run

      # lsof +D /vstorage/stor1
    2. Unmount the cluster file system using the umount command. For example, if the cluster is mounted to the /vstorage/stor1 directory on a client, you can unmount it as follows:

      # umount /vstorage/stor1
    3. Disable the automatic mounting of the cluster by removing the cluster entry from the /etc/fstab file.

  6. Stop and disable all CS and MDS servers:

    # systemctl stop vstorage-csd.target vstorage-mdsd.target
    # systemctl disable vstorage-csd.target vstorage-mdsd.target
  7. Shut down cluster servers.

To start up a Storage cluster again, do the following:

  1. Power on cluster servers.

  2. Start and enable all MDS and chunk servers:

    # systemctl start vstorage-mdsd.target vstorage-csd.target
    # systemctl enable vstorage-mdsd.target vstorage-csd.target
  3. Enable the automatic mounting of the cluster by adding the cluster entry to the /etc/fstab file and mount the cluster file system using the mount command.

  4. If you use Storage GUI, also start and enable the vstorage-ui-agent service:

    # systemctl start vstorage-ui-agent
    # systemctl enable vstorage-ui-agent
  5. Start and enable the following services: prl-disp, vz, shaman, pdrs, vstorage-iscsid, and va-agent (in case Virtuozzo Automator is installed):

    # systemctl start prl-disp vz shaman pdrs vstorage-iscsid va-agent
    # systemctl enable prl-disp vz shaman pdrs vstorage-iscsid va-agent
  6. Start containers and virtual machines with the prlctl start command. For example:

    # prlctl start MyVM
    Starting the VM...
    The VM has been successfully started.