5.1. Appendix A: Controller and Compute Ports

This section lists the TCP ports that need to be open for Virtuozzo PowerPanel to operate properly.

5.1.1. Controller Ports

The following ports need to be open on the controller node:

  • 80, 443 for public access

  • 3306, 5671 for communication with compute nodes

If you have a firewall enabled on the controller, the deploy script will create rules to open the required ports automatically.

TCP port




Incoming, outgoing

Used by the RabbitMQ message broker to exchange messages between PowerPanel components.


Incoming, outgoing

Used to connect to the internal database.


Incoming, outgoing

Used to access the web panel itself, send problem reports to the support team.


Incoming, outgoing

Used for HTTP connections, e.g., to download Virtuozzo updates from remote repositories.


Incoming, outgoing

Used to connect to the internal keystone from external applications for integration. Closed by default but can be opened manually via a firewall rule.

5.1.2. Compute Ports

Compute nodes do not have a firewall enabled by default. If you need to start a firewall service on a compute node, open all ports listed in the table to let it communicate with the controller node. For example, if you use firewalld:

# firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public \
--add-port=5671/tcp \

TCP port




Incoming, outgoing

Used by the RabbitMQ message broker to exchange messages between PowerPanel components.


Incoming, outgoing

Used to connect to the internal database.