2.6. Managing Virtual Machine and Container Backups

In Virtuozzo PowerPanel, you can create, restore, attach or detach, and delete backups of your virtual environments.

To create a backup of one or more VEs, check the boxes of the required VEs and click the New Backup button above the VE list.


To create a backup of a single VE, you can also click the VE area to expand it, then click the New Backup button in the VE area.


To restore or delete a VE backup, expand the VE area, select the backup on the Backups tab in the bottom of the VE area, and click the respective task button: Restore backup or Delete backup.


2.6.1. Attaching VE Backups

To attach a VE backup, expand the VE area, select the backup on the Backups tab in the bottom of the VE area, and click Attach backup.


Attached backups need to be mounted inside the VE.


Changes made to a mounted backup will be lost when it is detached.

The steps to mount a backup depend on VE type:

  • In a container, locate an unmounted, read-only part named /dev/ploop...p1 and mount it. For example:

    # lsblk -pl -o NAME,RO,TYPE,MOUNTPOINT
    NAME              RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT
    /dev/ploop21323    0 disk
    /dev/ploop21323p1  0 part /
    /dev/ploop44663    1 disk
    /dev/ploop44663p1  1 part
        # mount /dev/ploop44663p1 /mnt/
        mount: /dev/ploop44663p1 is write-protected, mounting read-only
    You can now access the backup contents. For example:
        # ls /mnt/
        bin  boot  dev  etc  fastboot  home  lib  lib64  lost+found  media
        mnt  opt  proc  root  run  sbin  srv  sys  tmp  usr  var
  • In a Windows virtual machine, run diskmgmt.msc from the Command Prompt and bring the disk with the backup contents online. It will be assigned a letter and appear in File Explorer.

  • In a Linux virtual machine, first, locate and enable the backup using the prl_backup utility supplied by the guest tools. For example:

    # prl_backup list
    List of disabled attached backups:
    [1] /dev/sdb
    # prl_backup enable /dev/sdb
    # prl_backup list -e
    List of enabled attached backups:
    [1] /dev/sdb (/dev/mapper/backup6770749ad8fef)
    NAME                    TYPE  SIZE FSTYPE      UUID
    backup6770749ad8fef     dm     64G
    ├─backup6770749ad8fefp1 part  500M xfs         b39ba0de-faf0-43be-b344-5b6782dc76e4
    └─backup6770749ad8fefp2 part 63.5G LVM2_member oaqfeX-eoPK-CGe1-OKje-eFWQ-q4BP-KcJ9oQ

    Now you can mount the xfs part with mount. For example:

    # mount -o nouuid /dev/mapper/backup6770749ad8fefp1 /mnt/part1

    You can now access this volume’s contents. For example:

    # ls -1 /mnt/part1

    Next, rename the LVM part to avoid having two volume groups with the same name. For example:

    # vgimportclone -n backup_part2 /dev/mapper/backup6770749ad8fefp2
    Volume group "centos" successfully renamed to "backup_part2"
    Found volume group "backup_part2" using metadata type lvm2

    Now find the mountable volumes in the renamed volume group. For example:

    # lvscan | grep backup_part2
    inactive          '/dev/backup_part2/swap' [3.88 GiB] inherit
    inactive          '/dev/backup_part2/home' [19.54 GiB] inherit
    inactive          '/dev/backup_part2/root' [40.03 GiB] inherit

    Enable the volumes you need. For example:

    # lvchange -ay /dev/backup_part2/home
    # lvchange -ay /dev/backup_part2/root

    Finally, mount the volumes. For example:

    # mount -o nouuid /dev/backup_part2/root /mnt/part2/root/
    # mount -o nouuid /dev/backup_part2/home /mnt/part2/home/

    You can now access the contents of these volumes as well. For example:

    # ls /mnt/part2/root/
    bin  boot  dev  etc  home  lib  lib64  media  mnt  opt  proc
    root  run  sbin  srv  sys  tmp  usr  var
    # ls /mnt/part2/home
    myfile1.txt  myfile2.txt

2.6.2. Detaching VE Backups

To detach a mounted VE backup from a container or a Windows VM, click Detach backup. Before you detach a mounted backup from a Linux VM, however, unmount the disk(s) and disable the backup inside the VM. You may need to do the following:

  1. Unmount the disks. For example:

    # umount /mnt/part1
    # umount /mnt/part2/home/
    # umount /mnt/part2/root/
  2. Disable the volumes. For example:

    # lvchange -an /dev/backup_part2/home
    # lvchange -an /dev/backup_part2/root
  3. Remove the volume group. For example:

    # vgremove backup_part2
    Do you really want to remove volume group "backup_part2"
    containing 3 logical volumes? [y/n]: y
    Logical volume "swap" successfully removed
    Logical volume "home" successfully removed
    Logical volume "root" successfully removed
    Volume group "backup_part2" successfully removed
  4. Disable the backup. For example:

    # prl_backup disable /dev/sdb

Now you can detach the backup from the Linux VM by clicking Detach backup.

If you accidentally clicked Detach backup before taking these steps, clean up the Linux VM as follows:

  1. Unmount the unavailable disks. For example:

    # umount /mnt/part1
    # umount /mnt/part2/home/
    # umount /mnt/part2/root/
  2. Remove the leftover LVM devices. For example:

    # dmsetup ls --tree
    backup_part21-home (253:6)
     └─backup32dfd4032a21dp2 (253:5)
        └─backup32dfd4032a21d (253:3)
           └─ (8:16)
    backup_part21-root (253:7)
     └─backup32dfd4032a21dp2 (253:5)
        └─backup32dfd4032a21d (253:3)
           └─ (8:16)
    backup32dfd4032a21dp1 (253:4)
     └─backup32dfd4032a21d (253:3)
        └─ (8:16)
    # dmsetup remove backup_part21-home
    # dmsetup remove backup_part21-root
    # dmsetup remove backup32dfd4032a21dp2
    # dmsetup remove backup32dfd4032a21dp1
    # dmsetup remove backup32dfd4032a21d