Virtuozzo Virtualization SDK C API Reference
Functions by Handle
The PHT_ACCESS_RIGHTS handle is used to obtain and modify the virtual machine access rights information. 
The PHT_BACKUP_RESULT handle is a container that contains the results of a backup operation. The handle is returned by the PrlSrv_CreateVmBackup function call (the handle is returned as the first parameter of the Job object). 
The PHT_BOOT_DEVICE handle is used to manage boot devices in a virtual machine. The handle is obtained by calling the PrlVmCfg_GetBootDev or the PrlVmCfg_CreateBootDev function. The first function is used to obtain a handle to an existing device in the boot priority list. The second function creates a new handle and is used to add a new device to the list. 
The PHT_CT_TEMPLATE handle is used to manage operating system templates on which Containers are based. 
The PHT_CVSRC handle is used to capture data from a video source on the host computer and display in the guest operating system. 
The PHT_DESKTOP_CONTROL handle is used to remotely access the desktop of the physical host computer. Use the PrlSrv_CreateDesktopControl to create the handle. See the Remote Desktop Access section for the list of functions that support this functionality. 
The PHT_DISP_CONFIG handle is used to manage Virtuozzo Service preferences. The handle is obtained by calling the PrlSrv_GetCommonPrefs function. 
The PHT_EVENT handle is a container that can contain information about system events or extended error information in asynchronous functions. 
The PHT_EVENT_PARAMETER handle is a container that contains system event parameter data. The handle is obtained by calling the PrlEvent_GetParam function. 
The PHT_FIREWALL_RULE handle is used to create and modify firewall rules. 
The PHT_FOUND_VM_INFO handle is a container that contains information about a virtual machine as a result of a search operation. The handle is obtained by calling the PrlSrv_StartSearchVms function. 
The PHT_GUEST_OSES_MATRIX handle is a container that contains a list of operating system names and versions that are supported on a given server. To obtain the handle, use the PrlSrv_GetSupportedOses function. 
The PHT_HANDLES_LIST handle is a generic container that can hold a list of other handles. It is typically used to pass a list of handles to a function in a single parameter. The handles in the container can be of the same type or of different types. A new handle is created by making the PrlApi_CreateHandlesList function call. 
PHT_HW_GENERIC_DEVICE is a base handle used to manage physical devices. A physical device can be a real physical device installed on the host computer or, in some cases, a device in a virtual machine as seen by the guest operating system (this handle should not be confused with handles that are used to manage virtual devices). 
The PHT_HW_GENERIC_PCI_DEVICE handle is used to obtain information about a generic PCI device installed in the host machine. The handle is obtained by calling the PrlSrvCfg_GetGenericPciDevice function. The handle is derived from PHT_HW_GENERIC_DEVICE, which provides additional functions. 
The PHT_HW_HARD_DISK handle is used to manage physical hard disks installed on the host computer. The handle is obtained by calling the PrlSrvCfg_GetHardDisk function. The handle is derived from PHT_HW_GENERIC_DEVICE, which provides additional functions. 
The PHT_HW_HARD_DISK_PARTITION handle is used to manage partitions of a physical hard disk installed on the host computer. The handle is obtained by calling the PrlSrvCfgHdd_GetPart function. The handle is derived from PHT_HW_GENERIC_DEVICEt, which provides additional functions. 
The PHT_HW_NET_ADAPTER handle is used to manage network adapters installed on the host computer or in a guest operating system. The handle is obtained by calling the PrlSrvCfg_GetNetAdapter function. The handle is derived from the PHT_HW_GENERIC_DEVICE handle, which provides additional functions. 
The PHT_IPPRIV_NET handle is used to create and configure IP private networks. 
The PHT_JOB handle provides methods for managing asynchronous operations. 
The PHT_LICENSE handle provides methods for retrieving the Virtuozzo license information. The handle is obtained from the PHT_JOB object returned by the PrlSrv_GetLicenseInfo function. 
The PHT_LOGIN_RESPONSE handle is a container that contains information pertinent to a successful Virtuozzo Service login operation. The handle is obtained from the PHT_JOB object returned by the PrlSrv_Login or the PrlSrv_LoginLocal function. 
The PHT_NET_SERVICE_STATUS handle provides methods for retrieving the Virtuozzo Service network status information. A handle to it is obtained from the PHT_JOB object returned by the PrlSrv_GetNetServiceStatus function. 
The PHT_NETWORK_CLASS handle is used to configure network accounting. To use the handle, first create it using the PrlNetworkClass_Create function and then use the handle function to manage network classes configuration. 
The PHT_NETWORK_RATE handle is used to configure the virtual machine output bandwidth. The handle is obtained using the PrlNetworkRate_Create function. 
The PHT_NETWORK_SHAPING handle is used to configure network shaping. The handle is obtained using the PrlNetworkShapingEntry_Create function. 
The PHT_NETWORK_SHAPING_BANDWIDTH handle is used to create network shaping configuration. 
The PHT_NETWORK_SHAPING_CONFIG handle is used to configure network shaping. 
The PHT_OFFLINE_SERVICE handle is used to configure offline services. When creating a new offline service configuration, use the PrlOffmgmtService_Create to create the handle. When managing existing offline services configurations, use the PrlSrv_GetOfflineServicesList function to obtain the list of handles. 
The PHT_OPAQUE_TYPE_LIST handle is a container for storing type lists. 
The PHT_PLUGIN_INFO handle is a container that contains information about a third-party plug-in installed in Virtuozzo Service. To obtain the list of installed plug-ins use the PrlSrv_GetPluginsList function. 
The PHT_PORT_FORWARDING handle provides access to the Port Forwarding functionality. Using this functionality, you can redirect all incoming data from a specific TCP or UDP port in the host machine to the specified port in a virtual machine. 
The PHT_PROBLEM_REPORT handle is used to obtain and manage Virtuozzo Problem Reports. To obtain the handle, use the PrlApi_CreateProblemReport function. 
The PHT_REMOTE_FILESYSTEM_ENTRY handle, together with the PHT_REMOTE_FILESYSTEM_INFO handle, is used to obtain information about the file system on the host machine.The PHT_REMOTE_FILESYSTEM_ENTRY handle is a container that contains information about a single file system entry. The handle is obtained by making the PrlFsInfo_GetChildEntry call. 
The PHT_REMOTE_FILESYSTEM_INFO handle is a container that contains information about a file system entry and its immediate child elements (e.g. directory/files). The handle is obtained from a PHT_JOB object returned by the PrlSrv_FsGetDirEntries or the PrlSrv_FsGetDiskList function. 
The PHT_RESULT handle is a container that contains results of an asynchronous operation. The handle is obtained from the PHT_JOB object returned by the asynchronous function. 
The PHT_RUNNING_TASK handle is used to recover from the lost Virtuozzo Service connection. It allows to attach to an existing task that was started in the previous session and is still running inside the Virtuozzo Service. The handle is obtained using the PrlLoginResponse_GetRunningTaskByIndex function. Only a limited number of tasks is supported by this functionality. They are defined in the PRL_RUNNING_TASK_TYPE_ENUM enumeration. For more information, please also see the PrlSrv_AttachToLostTask function. 
The PHT_SCREEN_RESOLUTION handle is used to modify the list of screen resolutions available in a virtual machine. By default, only the most common resolutions are supported in a virtual machine. Using this handle, you can add additional resolutions and modify the existing ones if needed. The handle is obtained using the PrlVm_CreateScrRes or the PrlVm_GetScrRes function. The additional screen resolution support can be enabled or disabled in a virtual machine. To determine the status of the feature, use the PrlVmCfg_IsScrResEnabled function. 
At the root of the Virtuozzo API class hierarchy is a handle of type PHT_SERVER. The handle can be obtained using the PrlSrv_Create function. The PHT_SERVER handle is required to use most of the functionality within the Virtuozzo API. 
The PHT_SERVER_CONFIG handle is used to obtain the host computer configuration information. The handle is obtained from the PHT_JOB object returned by the PrlSrv_GetSrvConfig function call. The handle can also be used to obtain network settings of a guest operating system installed in a virtual machine. In this case, the handle is obtained using the PrlVmGuest_GetNetworkSettings function. 
The PHT_SERVER_INFO handle is a container that contains information about a host machine. The information includes the Virtuozzo Service port number, host name, OS version, product version, and host machine UUID. To obtain this information for the specified Virtuozzo Service, use the PrlSrv_GetServerInfo function. You can also search for Virtuozzo Services running on your network by executing the PrlSrv_LookupParallelsServers function. The function returns a list of PHT_SERVER_INFO handles for the Virtuozzo Services that it finds. The returned information can be used to establish a connection with the Virtuozzo Service of interest. 
The PHT_SHARE handle is used to manage host shares. With this handle, you can make a host OS folder visible and accessible in a virtual machine. The handle is obtained by making the PrlVmCfg_GetShare or the PrlVmCfg_CreateShare function call. 
The PHT_STRING_LIST handle is a generic string container. A new handle is created by making the PrlApi_CreateStringsList function call. 
The PHT_SYSTEM_STATISTICS handle is used to obtain performance statistics for the host computer or an individual virtual machine. 
The PHT_SYSTEM_STATISTICS_CPU handle is used to obtain CPU statistics. The handle is obtained by making the PrlStat_GetCpuStat function call. 
The PHT_SYSTEM_STATISTICS_DISK object is used to obtain disk statistics. The handle is obtained by making the PrlStat_GetDiskStat function call. 
The PHT_SYSTEM_STATISTICS_DISK_PARTITION handle is used to obtain disk partition statistics. The handle is obtained by making the PrlStatDisk_GetPartStat function call. 
The PHT_SYSTEM_STATISTICS_IFACE handle is used to obtain network interface statistics. The handle is obtained by making the PrlStat_GetIfaceStat function call. 
The PHT_SYSTEM_STATISTICS_PROCESS handle is used to obtain system process statistics. The handle is obtained by making the PrlStat_GetProcStat function call. 
The PHT_SYSTEM_STATISTICS_USER_SESSION handle is used to obtain user session statistics. The handle is obtained by making the PrlStat_GetUserStat function call. 
The PHT_USER_INFO handle is a container that contains information about an individual user. The handle is obtained by making the PrlSrv_GetUserInfo or the PrlSrv_GetUserInfoList function call. The handle can be obtained for any user (not just the currently logged in user). To obtain the information for the currently logged in user, see the PHT_USER_PROFILE handle. 
The PHT_USER_PROFILE handle is used to obtain information about the currently logged in user and for setting the user preferences. The handle is obtained by calling the PrlSrv_GetUserProfile function. To obtain information about any user (not just the currently logged on user), see the PHT_USER_INFO handle. 
The PHT_VIRTUAL_DEV_FLOPPY handle contains information about a virtual floppy disk in a virtual machine. The handle is obtained by making the PrlVmCfg_CreateVmDev or the PrlVmCfg_GetFloppyDisk function call. 
The PHT_VIRTUAL_DEV_HARD_DISK handle is used to manage virtual hard disks in a virtual machine. The handle is obtained by making the PrlVmCfg_CreateVmDev or the PrlVmCfg_GetHardDisk function call. 
The PHT_VIRTUAL_DEV_HD_PARTITION handle is used to manage partitions of a virtual hard disk in a virtual machine. The handle is obtained by making the PrlVmDevHd_AddPartition or the PrlVmDevHd_GetPartition function call. 
The PHT_VIRTUAL_DEV_NET_ADAPTER handle is used to manage network adapters in a virtual machine. The handle is obtained by making the PrlVmCfg_CreateVmDev or the PrlVmCfg_GetNetAdapter function call. 
The PHT_VIRTUAL_DEV_OPTICAL_DISK handle contains information about a virtual optical disks in a virtual machine. The handle is obtained by making the PrlVmCfg_CreateVmDev or the PrlVmCfg_GetOpticalDisk function call. 
The PHT_VIRTUAL_DEV_PARALLEL_PORT handle contains information about a virtual parallel port in a virtual machine. The handle is obtained by making the PrlVmCfg_CreateVmDev or the PrlVmCfg_GetParallelPort function call. 
The PHT_VIRTUAL_DEV_SERIAL_PORT handle is used to manage serial ports in a virtual machine. The handle is obtained by making the PrlVmCfg_CreateVmDev or the PrlVmCfg_GetSerialPort function call. 
The PHT_VIRTUAL_DEV_SOUND handle is used to manage sound devices in a virtual machine. 
The PHT_VIRTUAL_DEV_USB handle is used to managing USB devices in a virtual machine. 
The PHT_VIRTUAL_DISK handle is used to create, configure, and manage Virtuozzo virtual disks. A virtual disk is comprised of a set of files including a configuration file containing information about the disk parameters (number of heads, cylinders, sectors, etc.) and the files that are used for data storage. Once created, a virtual disk can be connected to a virtual machine and recognized by it, just like a physical hard disk can be installed in a physical box. To create a new virtual disk use PrlDisk_CreateDisk or PrlDisk_CreateDisk_Local. To obtain a handle to an existing virtual disk, use PrlDisk_OpenDisk or... more 
PHT_VIRTUAL_MACHINE is the main virtual machine management handle. A handle to an existing virtual machine is obtained from the PHT_JOB object returned by the PrlSrv_GetVmList function. To create a new handle, call the PrlSrv_CreateVm function. 
The PHT_VIRTUAL_NETWORK handle is used to manage virtual networks. A new handle is obtained by calling the PrlVirtNet_Create function. A handle to an existing virtual network is obtained by calling the PrlSrv_GetVirtualNetworkList function. 
The PHT_VM_CONFIGURATION handle is used to manage the virtual machine configuration. The handle is obtained by calling the PrlVm_GetConfig function. 
The PHT_VM_GUEST_SESSION handle is used to run programs and execute administrative tasks in the virtual machine. The handle can also be used to obtain some of the guest operating system configuration information. The handle is obtained using the PrlVm_LoginInGuest function. 
The PHT_VM_INFO handle is a container that contains the virtual machine state, access rights, and other information. The handle is obtained by making the PrlVm_GetState function call. 
The PHT_VM_TOOLS_INFO handle is used to determine whether the Virtuozzo Tools package is installed in the specified virtual machine and for obtaining its status and version information. The handle is obtained from the job object returned by the PrlVm_GetToolsState function. 
The PHT_VM_VIRTUAL_DEVICES_INFO handle is a container that contains information about the state of the virtual devices in a virtual machine. To obtain the handle, use the PrlVm_GetVirtDevInfo function. 
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