14. Connecting Virtual Desktop Using Leostream

Before attempting to connect to one of your virtual machines using Leostream, ensure that you are able to connect to the VM directly. For example, ensure that you can establish an RDP connection to the desktop from another VM on the same network.

You can connect to the virtual desktop using either the HTML5 client available in the Leostream Gateway or using a client-based protocol launched by either the Leostream Web client or the Leostream Connect client. This example uses the Leostream Connect client, which is available on the Leostream Downloads page. Consult the Leostream Installation Guide for information on installing Leostream Connect.

After installing and launching the client, provide the FQDN or IP of your Leostream Gateway (if your Leostream Gateway is actively forwarding to your Connection Broker, as done in this example) or enter your Connection Broker FQDN or IP. Click the Test button to ensure that the client can communicate with the Connection Broker, as shown in the following figure.

_images/intg-leostream-broker-connection-test.png _images/intg-leostream-broker-connected.png

Now, go to the Login dialog and enter the username and password of an Active Directory user, for example:


If the user’s policy offers a single desktop, the desktop connection launches automatically, for example:
