3. Creating Virtuozzo Hybrid Infrastructure Resources

Create the necessary resources on your Virtuozzo Hybrid Infrastructure (Domain, Project, and User) to host the Leostream VDI workloads and access them securely.

  1. Login to the Virtuozzo Hybrid Infrastructure admin panel.

  2. Go to Settings > Projects and users in Virtuozzo Hybrid Infrastructure and click on Create domain.

  3. In the Create domain form, shown in the following figure, enter a Name and Description for the Domain you will use to host our users and projects (tenants), and click Create.

  4. Select your new domain on the Settings > Project and users page and go to the Domain users tab. Click Create user to create a Domain administrator. Specify the Login, Password, and optionally email address and description. As we are creating a Domain administrator, please ensure that you select Domain administrator from the Role drop-down menu.

  5. Select your new domain on the Settings > Project and users page and go to the Projects tab. Click Create project to create a new project to host the Leostream Platform and Virtual Desktop Infrastructure resources. Enter a Name and optionally a Description for the project, and set any compute quotes, as shown in the following figure.

  6. Select your new domain on the Settings > Project and users page and go to the Domain users tab. Click Create user to create a Project member from the Role drop-down menu, as shown in the following figure.

  7. To assign the project user to your project, select your new domain on the Settings > Project and users page and go to the Projects tab. Click the ellipses at the far right of the project’s row then click Assign members.

  8. Go to the Compute > Networks page to enable your project to access the external network and a pool of Floating IP addresses.

    • select your external network

    • from the panel right, click Edit in the Network access section

    • ensure your new project is selected in the Edit network access form, as shown in the following figure
