11.2. Integration with Virtuozzo Hybrid Infrastructure

To integrate with Virtuozzo Hybrid Infrastructure, you create an OpenStack center in Leostream for each project you want to manage in your Connection Broker.


Leostream defines centers as the external systems that inform the Connection Broker about desktops and other resources that are available for assignment to end users.

Leostream uses the OpenStack APIs to inventory the instances and images in your Virtuozzo Hybrid Infrastructure project.

To integrate with Virtuozzo Hybrid Infrastructure:

  1. Go to the Setup > Centers page.

  2. Click the Add Center link.

  3. In the Add Center form, select OpenStack from the Type drop-down menu (the Leostream license controls if OpenStack is available as a center).

  4. Enter the name for the center in the Name edit field.

  5. In the Auth URL: VHI OS_AUTH_URL e.g. https://virtuozzo.admin.panel.ip:5000/v3.

  6. Enter the default Virtuozzo Hybrid Infrastructure region (VHI region = RegionOne) in the Region edit field.

  7. Enter the domain you created for your project in the Project Domain edit field.

  8. Enter the name of the project you created in the Project edit field.

  9. Enter the domain, username, and password of the user you created in the previous steps into the User Domain, Username and Password edit fields, respectively.

  10. Click Save to create the center. The following figure shows an example of a saved OpenStack center for Virtuozzo Hybrid Infrastructure.


The instances in the Virtuozzo Hybrid Infrastructure project appear in the Resources > Desktops page. The Connection Broker inventories all images and displays them on the Resources > Images page, for example.
