10.19. Participating in Customer Experience Program

By participating in the Customer Experience Program (CEP) you agree to send to Virtuozzo Hybrid Server information about configuration of your physical server and virtual environments, the way you use Virtuozzo Hybrid Server products, and technical issues that you encounter.


No private information like your name, e-mail address, phone number, or keyboard input will be collected.

The program is voluntary and helps improve Virtuozzo Hybrid Server products to better fit your needs.

When installing Virtuozzo Hybrid Server in the attended mode, you automatically join CEP. You can, however, opt out of the program at any time by stopping and disabling the disp-helper service:

# systemctl stop disp-helper
# systemctl disable disp-helper

By default, Virtuozzo Hybrid Server will collect information once a week, although you can change this interval. For example, to have the data collected every two weeks, do as follows:

  1. In the configuration file /etc/vz/disp_helper.json, change the report_period value to 14d:

    "report_period": "14d",
  2. Restart disp-helper to apply changes:

    # systemctl restart disp-helper

To fine-tune which information about your physical server or virtual environments is collected, you can disable or enable corresponding .py scripts in the /usr/share/virtuozzo/cep-scripts directory. For example, to prevent collection of data about your virtual environments, you can disable the libvirt_guests.py script as follows:

# chmod a-x libvirt_guests.py

To re-enable the script, run

# chmod a+x libvirt_guests.py

When installing Virtuozzo Hybrid Server in the unattended mode, you can specify the cep parameter in the kickstart file. For more details, see Standard Kickstart Options.