[Important] [Security] Virtuozzo PowerPanel Update 1 Hotfix 2 (7.0.4-47)¶
Issue date: 2020-03-04
Applies to: Virtuozzo PowerPanel
Virtuozzo Advisory ID: VZA-2021-012
1. Overview¶
The update for Virtuozzo PowerPanel introduces a new feature and a security fix.
2. Security Fixes¶
[Important] Fortify Docker configuration in the vzapi-compute service. (PP-647)
3. New Features¶
The change password functionality can now be disabled in the web panel, API, or both. (PP-650)
4. Installing the Update¶
Install the update by running ‘yum update vzapi-installer && vzapi-installer upgrade http://repo.virtuozzo.com/pp/releases/2.0.4/x86_64/os/Packages/p/pp-release-2.0.4-3.vl7.noarch.rpm’.
The JSON file with the list of new and updated packages is available at https://docs.virtuozzo.com/vza/VZA-2021-012.json.
Aug 22, 2024