2.3. Installing Virtuozzo Automator Components

If you install Virtuozzo Hybrid Server 7 with CLI management, no Virtuozzo Automator components are installed automatically along with it, but you can do so manually.

Installing Virtuozzo Automator means installing the VA Management Node and VA Agent components on corresponding servers. The following sections explain how to do so.

2.3.1. Installing VA Management Node

To install the VA MN on a physical server or in a virtual environment, download and run the deployment script:

# wget http://repo.virtuozzo.com/va-mn/deploy-va-mn/deploy-va-mn
# chmod 755 deploy-va-mn
# ./deploy-va-mn

The script will do the following:

  1. Add the repository with VA MN packages to the system.

  2. Install the VA Management Node package groups from the repository: “VA Management Node” and “VA Control Center”.

  3. Attempt to create rules for firewalld and open ports required for VA MN (listed in the Virtuozzo KB article #2509476). If the firewall service is not running during installation but may be launched later, you will need to create the rules and open the ports manually.

  4. Start the VA Management Node and Control Center services: va-mn and va-cc.

The installation log will be saved in /var/log/deploy-va-mn.log.

2.3.2. Installing VA Agent

To install the VA Agent on a physical server running Virtuozzo Hybrid Server 7, download and run the deployment script:

# wget http://repo.virtuozzo.com/va-agent/deploy-va-agent/deploy-va-agent
# chmod 755 deploy-va-agent
# ./deploy-va-agent

The script will do the following:

  1. Add the repository with VA Agent packages to the system.

  2. Install the VA Agent package group from the repository: “VA Agent”.

  3. Attempt to create rules for firewalld and open ports required for VA Agent (listed in the Virtuozzo KB article #2509476). If the firewall service is not running during installation but may be launched later, you will need to create the rules and open the ports manually.

  4. Start the VA Agent service: va-agent.

The installation log will be saved in /var/log/deploy-va-agent.log.


For instructions on installing the VA Agent on a physical server running Virtuozzo 6, refer to the Virtuozzo Automator 6.1 Installation Guide for Linux and Bare Metal.

2.3.3. Using Additional Deployment Script Options

The deployment scripts have additional options that may be of use in certain situations.

  • To have a log file saved in a custom location, use the -l option:

    # ./deploy-va-mn -l <custom_log_path>
  • To skip checking for Internet connection while installing the VA MN, use the --skip-inet-check option:

    # ./deploy-va-mn --l --skip-inet-check

    This option can be used if you are installing VA MN from a local repository.